7.The army, navy and air forces are coordinate armed services.
8.The navy had a large share in bringing about the victory.
9.The armed forces of a country are is army, navy and airforce.
10.My son is in the navy.
11.The "Afternoon Dress" by Paul Poiret, is a navy and red-block printed silk faille dress from 1923.
12.The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the floor of the Marianas Trench.
13.The boys in their grubby navy bow ties and blue uniforms were indistinguishably horrid—nose-pickers, thumbsuckers, snorers, neer-do-wells, farters, burpers, the unwashed and unclean.
14.Wearing a navy blazer and conservative tie, unpressed khakis, and brown leather sneakers, he looked more like a college senior dressed for a job interview than an internationally famous writer.