neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下
bottle neck 瓶颈
stiff neck 脖子发僵,斜颈;顽固之
neck of the woods 附近一带(一般指乡村地区)
up to one's neck 手边
不可开交 neck down v. 收缩…使成颈状
neck and crop adv. 干脆;彻底地
by a neck ◎【赛马】以一颈之差(获胜
失败);◎[口语]以毫厘之差; welding neck 对焊
roll neck 辊颈
neck ring 项圈,颈环
axle neck 轴颈
welding neck flange 对焊法兰
shaft neck 轴颈