2.A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.
3.The colonoscopic view of the appendiceal orifice between the fork of two haustral folds in the cecum is seen here.
4.The colonoscopic view of the appendiceal orifice between the fork of two haustral folds in the cecum is seen below.
5.Residual choleateatoma was found more frequently in the anterior epitympanum, the oval window niche, and the hypotympanum near the tubal orifice.
6.Dr.Agricola's group reports in the October issue of Heart that all of the ariables correlated significantly with the effectie regurgitant orifice.
7.Bench of closed circuit cooling tower that is composed of boiler ,exchanger, orifice flowmeter, water pump, micromanometer , heat indicator and so on is established.