2.Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned order way pursue the perfection.
3.The bowler judged it well, timing the ball to perfection.
4.They are working on the perfection of their new paint formula.
5.A slow breeze caused gentle ripples in the otherwise mirrorlike perfection of the inland sea.
6.The design approximates perfection.
7.Souma san: Not to pursue perfection unnecessarily.
8.He imitates people to perfection.
他模仿别人, 惟妙惟肖。
9.The thesis ends with a summary of the characteristics of CAPPA's software, and also poses several suggestions for CAPPA's future perfection.
最后总了 CAPPA系统软件特点,提出了善CAPPA系统几点设想。
10.The goodwife of this toilet is a typical completist, according to the understanding of literal, that is to say pursues perfection.
11.Our enterprise according with the spirit of “ Strive for perfection” “Continuously overstep”,we are get toghter with our customer in the vehemency market.
12.Besides, the development and perfection of O-R MAPPING technology can ensure developing reliable, stuggy and efficient applications when applications access the rock-bottom database.