7.Perfume from battle-fields rising, up from the foetor arising.
8.The air was heady with the perfume from roses.
9.The air was heavy with the perfume of the flower.
10.The air was saturated with the perfume of the flowers.
11.The air was perfumed with the scent of subtropical vegetation.
12.Flowers perfumed the air.
13.She reeked of cheap perfume.
14.A structural isomer of citral that is obtained from the oxidation of nerol and is used to make perfumes and flavorings.
15.She saw a large, empty, shadowy play-house, still redolent of the perfumes and blazonry of the night, and notable for its rich, oriental appearance.
16.Bathless people can't smell aromatic by forcedly spraying perfume. Fame and nobility comes from genuine ability and learning. One with good virtue smells sweet naturally.
17.Luciano Soprani Uomo perfume is energy, strength based on an inner balance, the courage to be oneself.An essence born from a blend of refined and precious fragrances.
18.Citronellyl oxyacetaldehyde with thick and intense rose and lily note is widely used for waking up floral essences and a extremely precious synthetic perfume with wide applied perspective.
19.21 And I perfumed my dwelling as storax, and galbanum, and onyx, and aloes, and as the frankincense not cut, and my odour is as the purest balm.
20.Dimethyl phenylethyl carbinyl acetate (DPCA ) was synthesized by using a new catalyst. This technology decreases the pollution and can also be used in synthesis of other carbinyl acetates perfume.