2.I think he's a physicist or something of that nature.
3.Red-green color blindness is also called Daltonism, after English chemist and physicist John Dalton.
4.Physicists studying the issue talk not about time machines but about closed timelike curves (CTCs).
5.Dirac also remained true to Werner Heisenberg, a German physicist suspected of being a Nazi sympathiser.
6.But the great physicist was also engagingly simple, trading ties and socks for mothy sweaters and sweatshirts.
7.They were taught to pity the neurotic, unfeminine, unhappy women who wanted to be poets or physicists or presidents.
8.Except, according to Ian O'Neill - solar physicist, producer for the Discovery Channel and devoted 2012 debunker - that happens every year.
除根据伊恩奥尼尔-太阳学家,生产者探索频道,并投入了2012年debunker -这种情况每年。
9.The left and right, evolutionists, physicists, and most revolutionaries, all accept—at least on a historical scale—the nineteenth-century view of a unilinear and uniform "flow" of time.