16.This will save the expense of building pipelines to plants onshore and thus allow “stranded” gas, once thought unviable, to be exploited.
17.The failure of directly buried heat-supply pipeline is discussed, and the design essentials are put forward in accordance with local buckling and ovalization deformation.
18.Article 4Pipeline installations are significant infrastructures and shall be protected by laws.No unit or individual may disseise, destroy, steal or loot any pipeline installations.
第四条 管道设施是重要的基础设施,受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵占、破坏、盗窃、哄抢。
19.The implementation of hot work for station crude oil pipeline must be in accordance with the standard of SY5859-93 because the media transported are solidifiable,inflammable,and explosive.
20.In accordance with new standard of fire-control hydrant , our company designed a series mesolow fire-control pump of XBD pipeline type , which based on the original vertical multi-stage pump .