1.They've set aside a small area as a children's playground and staked it off.
他们划出小块地皮用于建造儿童游乐, 并在周围打了木桩。
2.The playground covers over an acre in extent.
3.There is a bush near the school playground.
4.In the playground, the other children called him names.
5.Goalposts were roughly chalked out on the playground wall.
6.The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.
7.I’m afraid your son had a slight mishap in the playground.
8.The three clubs joined up to improve the town's playground facilities.
9.Children romped on the playground.
10.No matter how bad the weather is, the children will play foot-ball on the playground, notwithstanding.
不管天气怎么坏, 孩子们还要在运动踢足球。
11.The restrictions on the use of the playground are:no fighting, no damaging property.
使用这地的条件是:不准打架, 不准损坏设施。
12.The playground, which had been filled with the noises of children at play, suddenly became silent as the grave.
13.The children's playground has been railed in so that the children do not wander on to the main road.
孩子们的已用栏杆围在里面, 这样孩子们就不会跑到主干道去。
14.Still like as usual, playing soccer on the playground dustily, and only when the girl had walked out from school, he would peek at her back from hidding himself behind the window of 2nd floor.