4.A woman is pregnant for nine months before a child is born.
5.Well, between you, me and the gatepost, I heard that she’s pregnant.
6.Louise suddenly surprised the hell out of us by announcing that she was pregnant!
7.All nature seemed pregnant with life.
8.She is a pregnant woman.
9.Objective: To detect the relationship between birth weight discordancy and the pregnant results such as preeclampsia and prenatal mortality.
10.Result The therapy can turn the AsAB and EmAB of patient from positive to negative and make her become pregnant.
11."We have a hard time finding these problems when pregnant women are in a distraction-free, sterile lab environment," says Cuttler.
12.Objective: To determine the analgesic effectiveness and safety of propofol anesthesia to perform forcep curettage for pregnant women with 10 13 weeks.
13.The local newspapers have taken up the cudgels on behalf of the woman who was unfairly dismissed from her job because she was pregnant.
14.Objective To observe pulsative index (PI), resistant index (RI) of placental helicine arteries by colour Doppler, analyses relation between PI, RI and developing of pregnant hypertension.
15.During the period of the pregnant woman being pregnant, state of mind is not good , does the heavyhearted meeting bring those effect to those effect child?