1.Dorsally, the starting point is just proximal to the standard 3-4 radiocarpal arthroscopy portal.
2.The cytoplasm extended to proximal region.During light adaptation the arrangement of microvillus in the rhabdom was in disorde...
3.Objective: To establish a duplicable and efficient culture method of human proximal tubule cells(PTC) in vitro.
4.The LTIL connected palmar lateral margin, proximal lateral margin and dorsal lateral margin neighboring to lunate bone and triquetral bone.
5.Four patients with blind end of vas and vessels proximal to the internal inquinal ring were planned for orchiectomy or simple or staged orchidopexy depending on clinical situations.
6.At the proximal and the distal ends of the nerve suture, the density of neurilemma cells in the unit area and the area size of the regenerated nerve fibers were observed and measured.