3.The quantum leap in writing technology came with the introduction of personal computers.
4.This latest research represents a quantum leap in our understanding of the universe.
5.Aim To inquire into the mechanism of autohemotherapy of light quanta (ALQ) on spinal cord injury.
6.Ordinarily, random thermal jigging of the molecules prevents sound waves from behaving analogously to light quanta.
7.Unfortunately, the electrical circuits themselves are much larger than atoms, so their quantum states decohere more rapidly.
8.And then, we make quantum mechanical generalization of some typical thermodynamic processes, such as isothermal process, isochoric process.
9.Pauling was among the first scientists to work in the fields of quantum chemistry, molecular biology, and orthomolecular medicine.
10.Fluorescence spectra of 5-sulfosalicyclic acid (SSA) were studied.Using quinine bisulphate as a reference, fluorescence quantum yield of SSA was measured.
11.This is the case of micromagnetics, which is a continuum theory that stands between quantum theories like ab-initio and macroscopic theories.
12.One kind of inverse eigenvalue problems, whose solutions are required to be normal or diagonalizable matrices, is investigated in quaternionic quantum mechanics.
13.A high temperature superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) was fabricated for magnetocardiogram (MCG) measurement, and a single-channel dc SQUID magnetocardiograph was developed.
14.Hadron (baryons and mesons) spectroscopy opens the gate for the development of the fundamental theory of the strong interaction: quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
15.The results show that the quantum noise in the dissipation microcircuit is determined by initial state of the circuit and the circuit parameter.
16.Albert Einstein had any number of worries about quantum mechanics.The overquoted concern about its chanciness (“God does not play dice”) was just one.
17.You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:i'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber! what's your response?
18.The second-order NLO properties of a series of tri-nuclear transition metal clusters with incomplete cubane-like structures were studied by using the first-principle quantum chemical method.
19.A method is proposed to exactly diagonalize the Hamiltonian of a N-layer quantum dot containing a single electron in each dot in arbitrary magnetic fields.
20.The photoabsorption spectra in the valence-shell continuum region of C2H4 are calculated by the multi-scattering self-consistent-field method in the framework of the quantum defect theory.