1.A group of enthusiasts have undertaken the reconstruction of a steam locomotive.
2.Objective To study prevention and treatment for complications of tissues expender in total auricle reconstruction.
3.The reconstruction of the Town Hall is scheduled to start next month.
4.The country faces a huge task of national reconstruction following the war.
5.The article embraces many important points of the government reconstruction plan.
6.There are two key techniques in reverse engineering, the numeralization and surface reconstruction of 3D objects.
7.The study of indirect evidence focuses on morphometry analysis and snowline reconstruction based on the palaeoclimate.
间接证据的研方法很多,一般多赖地貌调查、地貌几特性 析和以古气候资讯为基础的雪线重建。
8.These translocation lines were generated from homeologous chromosome pairing, or mis-division and reconstruction of univalent chromosomes.
9.Bone grafting of the alveolus is an essential step in the reconstruction of the orofacial cleft deformity.
10.Objective To study the effect of pretensioning on quadrupled-stranded semitendinosus and gracilis tendon graft length during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
11.OBJECTIVE: To explore three-dimensional reconstruction of hepatic portal vein by laminagraphy of cast specimens to provide anatomic basis for hepatectomy.
12.All of this request us to resurvey the traditional accounting model and make the reconstruction of the accounting system possible.
13.Objective To explore the quality of life of bladder tumor patients after ileal cystoplasty and orthotopic reconstruction of bladder with ileum.
14.28 cases with Laryngocarcinoma were underwent the partial vertical laryngectomy and larynyeal reconstruction with platysma myofascial flap and sternohyoid muscle flap.
15.The detection and reconstruction of wavefront by Lateral Shear Interferometer (LSI) and Hartmann Wavefront Sensor (HWS) have been deduced analogically and simulated numerically.
16.The limit of technical policies for complex rhythmite reconstruction is developed by establishing typical model and using numerical modeling predicting method and optimal segmentation.
17.Analyzing 30 example calcaneum bone fracture screw CT three dimensional reconstruction performance, the CT type, according to type instruction clinical choice suitable treatment plan.
18.As a result, this paper presents the 3D reconstruction segmentation display, and analysis results of pollen spore, chaperonin, head, cervical vertabra, tibia and carpale.
19.Image reconstruction is often converted to the nonrestraint extremum of the nonlinear equations.We have deduced a conjugate gradient algorithm from the extremum of norm.
20.The indication of these procedures and the methods of lymph node dissection, bronchoplasty and pulmonary artery reconstruction, and superior vena cava reconstruction have been discussed.