1.I visited his former residence yesterday.In my mind. he is a great diplomatist.
2.He took up residence in Australia.
3.The Queen is in residence here this week.
4.Many large resorts have a doctor in residence.
5.They have moved to a more spacious residence on a hill top.
6.The effects of injector temperature, injection speed and post injection needle residence time were investigated for splitless injection.
7.The former residence of Lord Kitchener, rebuilt to a new magnificence, Wildflower Hall recreates the grand style of the colonial era.
8.Contrary to hypotheses, the newly married husbands with higher education achievement are more likely to choose intergenerational co-residence or even matrilocal residence.
9.A glimpse at the vice-regal residence reveals a certain Byronic romanticism.It is battlemented, with sham turrets, massive chimney-stacks, and a good deal of carved stone.
10.To that time bystreet had already downfalled from its height of power and splendour,greatgrandfather bought-out a buckeen's official residence with his half of life hoardind.
11.Plants bring vivacity to residence, office and hotel.Philodendron, bamboo palm, lady palm, rubber plant, chinaberry, ivy are some of the most popular and easy-to-care plants.
12.Conventional dormitories or residence halls may be either restricted to one sex or coeducational , with certain floors or areas within them assigned to men or women.
13.As a holder of this visa, you may apply for permanent residence at any time if you are able to meet the passmark on the General Skilled Migration points test.