1.He was anxious to mend the rift between the two men.
2.The sun appeared through a rift in the clouds.
3.The rifts at both installation holes of the silicon carbide rod ends shall be blocked by asbest rope.
4.Her cold bitterness had turned her heart to stone and all hope to an un-mendable rift deep within her soul.
5.Baiyinchagan depression is part of downwarping faulted rift basin developed on XingmengHercynian multicycle and collision fold basement in late Mesozoic.
6.Planar strips,vertical stages,continuous backpedal and strong succession are the characteristics of the glutinite body distribution in a rift extensional basin.
7.It is barely ten since systematic deep ocean bathymetry revealed the structure of rifts, fractures and trenches associated with sea floor spreading.
8.Ankerite microclinite, a special type of rock, is closely related to the ore-forming process of massive sulfide deposits in the East Liaoning Proterozoic rift.
9.It is about 240m from surface of basement rock to the earths surface, Meilong rift crosses engineering site of Humin road viaduct ,which is not belong to mobile fit structure.