2.Conclusion:Patients with special pneumohemothorax caused by pulmonary bulla ruptured sho...
3.2 Seismotectonic map of the Tengchong-Jinghong newly-generated rupture zone.
图2腾冲-景洪北西向新生带地震构造图 Fig.
4.The salpinx interstitial pegnancy without rupture was hard to definitely diagnsoe.
5.The rupture of a blood vessel usually cause the mark of a bruise.
6.Heat treated boards display a reduced modulus of rupture and an increase in dustiness.
7.Rupture disks relieve overpressure in cylinders that may result from an external fire or from overfilling.
8.Rupture zone controls the North-South differences of cenozoic diastrophism and present lithosphere movement of Fujian Province.
9.It can cause severe complications, such as brain ischemia or cervical hematorrhea incurred by rupture of aneurysm.
10.Conclusion Using narceine and 3H therapy is effective for patients with cerebral vasospasm after ruptured intracranial aneurysm.
11.High strength high modulus PVA fiber has the advantages of bigspecific work of rupture, good stickability and low price.
12.The regressive valvulopathy was misdiagnosed easy as rheumatic heat disease,regressive valvulopathy infectious,endocarditis dysfunction and rupture of papillary muscle ect.
13.Methods 56 patients with open achilles tendon ruptures were treated by Tsuge stuture or auxileary repair with free deep-fascia circuitously.
14.Obiective To explore the rescure measures of traumatic rupture of the liver and spleen as well as custody and nursing strategy.
15.Objective To observe the curative effect of narceine and 3H therapy for the patients with cerebral vasospasm after ruptured intracranial aneurysm.
16.When the miracle of metamorphosis is complete, the eclosing, or rupture of a chrysalid, is one of nature's most sublime moments.
17.Conclusion.We have reported for the first time, that an alkaptonuria patient showed thoracic myelopathy caused by rupture of a thoracic intervertebral disc.
18.A total of 23 cases with traumatic rupture of spleen from January 2000 to December 2005 were treated with ligating spleen artery and splenorrhaphy.
19.Results Aneurysms from anterior communicating artery and posterior communicating artery, which were not huge aneurysms, were easier to rupture. 32%of ruptured aneurysms were multilobe.
20.Transformation mechanism of carbides and their effect on the stress rupture property were investigated in a Ni-base single crystal superalloy with microcontent of carbon.