2.The salmon was accompanied with a delicious watercress salad.
3.Potato, salmon and spinach patties with garlicky dill cream.
4.The city has textile mills and fruit and salmon canneries.
5.Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution.
6.The salmon was alive and kicking when it was dragged out of the river.
7.Smoked salmon—what a treat!
8.A young salmonid (salmon or trout) with parr-marks before migration to the sea and after dispersal from the redd.
9.Food fish (Oncorhynchus nerka) of the North Pacific that constitutes almost 20% of the commercial fishery of Pacific salmon.
北太平食用鱼,学名为Oncorhynchus nerka。几乎占太平鲑鱼产量的20%。
10.Northwest Coast Native American heritage is demonstrated in Tillicum Village, where visitors enjoy traditional salmon bakes and native dances.
11.First, to avoid interference from other bears, they often carry captured salmon to the stream bank or into the riparian (streamside) forest before eating.
12.The New York chef would opt for a simple meal of gravlax (salt-cured salmon) with crisp bread and dill mustard sauce, and nigiri-style sushi.
13.It is still good time to catch salmon from Pacifica pier while you can still catch other sea fishes such kingfish, surfperch, mackerels smelt etc.
14.Not surprisingly, one study found that growth of Sitka spruce, the dominant streamside tree in the area, was three times greater along salmon streams than along nonsalmon streams.
15.A very large, commercially valuable salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) of northern Pacific waters, characterized by irregular black spots on its back. Also called king salmon, quinnat salmon.