1.Resonance light scattering teachnique is a light scattering analysis technique measured by general flourometer.
2.The farmers were scattering seeds on the fields.
3.The child felle into a rage and began scattering its toys about.
这孩子突发狂怒, 把玩具扔得满地都是。
4.The morphologies of several polyfluoroethylene oils were studied by small angle laser light scattering.
5.It is discovered that the scattering increases as the micro-roughness increases or autocovariance width decreases.
6.The farmers are scattering seed.
7.The dynamic light scattering is an effective method to measure grain diameter in nanon and submicron.
8.The pomeron in high energy hadron-hadron scattering as well as the QCD nature of the pomeron are discussed.
9.Study of low angle laser light scattering indicats, in a certain limits of extender amount, the polyurethane have a amorph pseudomicrostructure...
10.Resonance light scattering (RLS) is a new method for determination and study on large biological molecular, and can be measured with comment spectro-flourometer.
11.It was also found that antinodal electrons in underdoped LSCO experience some extra strong scattering process, which may be related to the Fermi surface topology.
并且发现欠掺杂LSCO反节点电子遭受到额外强射过程, 这可能与费米面拓扑行为有关。
12.Maples, dogwoods, grape, and sumac twinkle and dance with particulate color in any little breeze, and the decorated twigs of sourwood trees swoop out like plump birds scattering.
13.In this paper, the bistatic scattering around ogival pedestal below the top is analyzed, based on the analysis, a novel metal supporter which satisfies RCS measurement requirements is designed.
14.A dog may be lightly sabled, with just a scattering of black-tipped hairs over the withers, to one who is so heavily sabled that from a distance he almost appears black.