1.At low temperatures, the nonfreezing fluid protects the solar collectors and related piping from bursting.
2.A solar phenomenon known as a sundog arcs over the tundra in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.
/ 的“假日”天文现象半悬于加拿大Manitoba丘吉尔苔原的天际。
3.When there is solar halo,it will rain;when there is lunar halo,it will blow.
4.This is a solar calendar.
5.The product is the solar wedding candles, on the sun plant the crustification has a small ladybug.
6.The NRG Pyranometer is an excellent general purpose solar radiation sensor that is calibrated for the daylight spectrum.
7.The frost injury phenomenon of alabastrum, flower and young fruit of sweet cherry were not appeared in solar greenhouse.
8.Photovoltaic parts: storage cell, cell charger, controller, transverter, recorder, inverter, monitor, mounting system, tracking system, solar cable etc.
9.The feature of optical fiber transmission system and its effect on the solar radio heliograph are analyzed in this article.
10.Anionic electrodeposit coating line for aluminum shell of solar water heater is introduced.Anodic oxidation,anodizing electrolytic coloring and anionic electrodeposit coating process are focused.
11.TPS61200 supports power supply of monomer solar battery, leave out series connection of knaggy solar battery, or the protective circuit with indispensible series connection.
12.Called Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR), the noise is generated by the same shaft of solar particles that produces an aurora in the atmosphere below.
13.How to improve the heat conversion efficiency of helioplant?This has become an important topic of the utilization of solar energy in the world now.
14.This test is conducted to determine the effects of solar radiation on equipment that may be exposed to sunshine during operation or unsheltered storage.
15.According to this hypothesis, the solar wind could transfer energy and momentum to the plasma surrounding the earth only by wave motions along the magnetopause.
16.It has full-looking and glossy coating resistant to heat, rain and weathering. It can withstand solar thermoradiation and reduce the surface temperature of painting system.
17.Electronic Magnetic Darts, mouse pad arm relaxed, multi-functional mouse pad magnetotherapy, solar calculator to do the mouse and other gifts suitable for small electronic products.
18.It is a tiny joyrider from the rubble stream surrounding the solar system that broke free and orbits the sun in a tilted, elongated orbit.
19.Chemistry will help meet this challenge by discovering new materials that harvest solar radiation, store energy for deferred use, and reconvert stored energy when needed.
20.Zheng, H. N. , Zhang, B. and Wang, S., 1995, A mechanism for the formation of plasmoid-type CME in the solar corona, ACTA Astron. Sinica, 36 , 341.