2.The airplane has a sophisticated electronic guidance system.
3.Sophisticated laser experiments are performed regularly in the laboratory.
4.This is a very sophisticated machine.
5.It is unrealistic to presuppose a sophisticated knowledge of harmony and counterpoint in a beginning music student.
6."In countries where there is a strong preference for sons, these newer, sophisticated technologies can be misused, facilitating female feticide."
7.This might not matter to a sophisticated economist, who would amortise the battery cost over the life of the vehicle.
8.As a member of the nouveau riche, Tom can often be seen at New York’s most fashionable and sophisticated venues.
9.Combined with the Redeemer's sophisticated targeting systems these flamestorm cannons a reable to purqe even a well-defended bunker complex in seconds.
10.Sophisticated instruments which were to make possible the European voyages of discovery, such as the astrolabe , the quadrant, and good navigational maps, were also developed by Muslims.
11.Grant Gaskin (Gaskin): Our hotel is very elegant and sophisticated, but not hip or trendy.In her we can see both the remnant of the old concession era and contemporary spirit.