2.Foodstuff: soya protein, agglomerative starch, lees, triticin, wheat starch and so on.
3.The worker is starching the linen.
4.The fernery starch soup showed a good colour, delicate fragrance, nutritious , digestible, absorbent, convenient.
5.All the results demonstrated pyrenoid and starch sheath were closely related with photosynthetic function.
6.The effect of extra-micronization on the viscosity and elasticity of potato starch paste was studied.
7.The molds having saccharifying enzyme capable of dehydrolyzing uncooked starch are Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus awamori,Rhizopus and endomycopsis fibuligera etc.
8.With sodium hyposulphite standard solution used in titration and starch developing agent as indicator,iron content can be determined.
9.This paper discusses the influence of modified starch to the retentiveness ,the emulsibility and gel characters of hen surimi.
10.The biodegradability of tapioca starch cross linked with phosphorus oxychloride was studied according to the half-vivo model by using micropopulation symbiotic cocultures.
11.Pyrenoid A protein structure found in the chloroplasts of green algae and hornworts (Anthocerophyta). Pyrenoids are associated with the storage of starch.
12.However, one major defect of applying starch material to the affinity adsorption is the easy hydrolysis of starch by the amylolytic enzyme mixture.
13.Seven isozymes were analyzed by means of horizontal sliceable starch gel electrophoresis.Then further analysis of selected esterase(EST)was carried out on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE).
14.According to the features of Guizhou's resource,the technology of industriaI glyc-erine by fermentation from Canna Edulis Ker starch and purification are studied in this article.
15.To screen whether there is starch synthesis within stolon before occurrence of tuberization, one way to do so is to check amylase activities during stolon growing.
16.The fernery starch soup was made with the fernery starch as its main ingredients, added soybean, sesame, sugar.It was produced by the process of extruding, blending and grinding, puffing.
17.There are a large number of starch grains in most cells of protocorm and in cells of cortex parenchyma of rhizome, but almost no starch grain is found in pseudobulb.
18.Her recent graduation from a skinny piccaninny with brief skirts and stiffly wrapped braids into the dignity of a long calico dress and starched white turban was an intoxicating affair.
19.Xanthin in corn starch residue is a mixture of fat soluble and water soluble pigments, which are blood red in colour in the pure extraction and lemon yellow in its diluted solution.
20.The cooked rice starch from Heilongjiang province was debranched with pullulanase followed by cooling and storing;thus a kind of starch containing slowly digestible starch over 50% was prepared.