12.Towering in close symmetry, these basalt columns near Fingal's Cave form the base of the Scottish island of Staffa.
13.Some properties of adjoint matrix are discussed. The properties are symmetry, antisymmetry, positive definite, positive semi-definite, orthogonal and characteristic value.
14.The helix has been lengthened,the scapha exposed,the normal ear reduced,the constricted ear augmented and two sides ear have become symmetry.
15.The shape of cross-section is an ellipse folded in half through one symmetry axis, and the axis keeps perpendicular with pinacoid-view.
16.It has been described as work that “relies on geometry and symmetry, fusing curvilinear shapes into pixilated, cleverly impressionistic jigsaw puzzles”.
17.The observed deltas are highly two-dimensional in planform, adopting palmated structures which retain throughout their evolution a high degree of mirror symmetry.
18.Binucleated granulocyte appeared in the stage from promyelocyte to neutrophilic band form with mostly symmetry mirror image characteristics in size and shape.
19.With the concavity and integrability of sublinear terms near zero,the symmetry results for a class of sublinear elliptic equations are given by making use of the moving-plane method.
20.Abstract With the concavity and integrability of sublinear terms near zero,the symmetry results for a class of sublinear elliptic equations are given by making use of the moving-plane method.