1.The cross-sectional area at the level of pisiform bone was measured in transverse plane.
2.The carrier in parking system of flatness and reciprocator tyPe is composed of ambulatory and transverse gadget.
3.The External Laryngeal Nerve is a motor nerve, innervating the cricothyroid muscle and part of the transverse arytenoid muscle.
4.For grating in the optical pick-up head, the compensability between the longitudinal and transverse error practical references on the manufacture of grating.
5.In 29 stenotic tumors that panendoscope could not transverse, thin ultrasonic probe still could pass though them with complete scanning in 21(72%) of them.
6.Seeds elliptic, base sharp, apex retuse, back chalazal knot zonate, with transverse and obtuse ribs, ventral holes furrowed from upper middle to apex.
7.Methods The serial sheet transverse sections of the superior orbital fissure region obtained using collodion microtomy in 5 adult cadaver heads were observed.
8.During fetal development, abnormal openings may occur in the pericecal, small bowel, transverse colon, or sigmoid mesentery, as well as the omentum, leading to mesenteric hernias.
9.Based on the idea of magnetic strain, the model of magnetic strain was used to analysis the magnetoelastic buckling of cantilevered ferromagnetic plate in transverse magnetic field.
10.The mandibles are usually lost, the labrum is reduced to a narrow transverse sclerite, and the labium is a small flap ( though its palps retain quite large).
11.A new point is put forward that transverse bimoment has different influence on the two kinds of cross section thin-walled beams, and on their St-Venant principle conditions. 2.
12.Images 1, 2: 21st week of pregnancy. Transverse scans through the fetal thorax show tumoral mass at the level of the heart which turned out to be lipoblastoma.