2.Sagacity , unlike cleverness, usually increases with age.
明智聪明不同, 通常是随着年龄增长的。
3.Unlike some birds, it does not dive vertically.
4.Unlike a leaf, a cladode has buds on its surface.
5.It's unlike him to be late; he's usually on time.
他不是会迟到的那种人, 他通常很准时。
6.She's very unlike her mother.
7.However, unlike pilonidal sinus in humans, dermoid sinus in dogs is a neural tube defect.
8.748 Unlike her sistern Jane doesn't have lots of time to spend buying dresses.
9.Single cancellous osteomas, unlike exostosis, are a relatively rare lesion in the external auditory canal.
10.Unlike the lamellated variety, the Merkel cell-neurite complex signals only the sustained depression of the skin.
11.The sleepwalker, unlike the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and does not take instructions.
12.In Argentina,greetings are usually effusive with plenty of hugging and kissing, not unlike the French faire la bise.
13.Yet, unlike documentaries that merely expose the problems, “Nobelity” is ultimately a film that inspires us to solve them.
14.Unlike other molluscs, bivalves lack a radula and feature labial palps, which carry food from the gills to the mouth.
15.Unlike Minigun, which is powerful, but you have to either aim really well, or spray it around which is really tireing.
16.Like eukaryotes, but unlike bacteria, they have introns in their transfer RNA, but like bacteria they have polycistronic operons (gene regulators).
17.It was a large anapsid reptile that, unlike most reptiles, held its legs underneath its body to support its great weight.
18.Fewer people might wander down to the shops when it is unbearably hot but, unlike continental Europe, the UK has mostly been bearably hot.
19.Unlike their more massive counterparts, sunlike stars are thought to die gracefully by ejecting their outer gaseous layers in a nonexplosive process that takes about 10,000 years.
20.Very creative and scripty, unlike most men who are rather blockish with their writing.Orlando's is very elegant by comparison.I'm not even going to TALK about it being in French.