2.The tangent, binormal, and normal attributes represent the coordinate axes of the tangent space surrounding each vertex.
3.An application programmer must supply a tangent, binormal, and normal at each vertex.
4.The main causes of dystocia of vertex presentation were occiput malpresentation, macrosomic infant, uterine atony, abnormal pelvic and genital tract.
5.First, the vertexes are sequenced according to their curvature to form a descending order vertex array.The rearer vertex has smaller local curvature.
6.Explain the difference between power and vertex power from basic definitions of optics, and analyze the measuring principle and error of focimeter.
7.In this paper, we study the minimum-weight feedback vertex set problem in outerplanar graphs and present a linear time algorithm to solve it.
8.Objective:To confirm that the lensometer adjusted by the special lenses group for contact lenses cant express the back vertex power of contact lenses.
9.The kings prblems in semicomplete digraphs without vertices whose in-degree are zero and locally semicomplete digraph under some conditions are discussed chiefly in the paper.
10.All graphs are finite simple undirected graph with no isolated vertices in this paper. It is completed the classification of graphs on which a semidihedral group acts edge-transitively.
11.Take 10 golden triangles, arrange them with their sharp points touching, and you have a golden decagon, fitting perfectly within the iris of the eye, vertices neatly touching the rim.