13.The traditional deashing methods, such as backblowing and mechanical vibration etc are replaced by sonic deashing technique.
14.Added 38% on weight more than common lockstitcher to insure more stable performance,Reduce 65% vibration on machine.
15.In complicated frequency components domain, wavelet scalogram and assigned wavelet scalogram were used to further analyze vibration signals.
16.The essay analyses free vibration problem of laying bed build-up board of antisymmetry angle with spline finite element method.
17.The invention discloses a simulating space sailboard torsional vibration control device and a method based on an angular rate gyro.
18.Vibration force field was introduced into processing of plastics in tri-screw dynamic mixing extruders,so as to intensifying mixability and dispersion.
19.The tests research of blasting vibration simulating earthquake were carried out by a reinforced concrete pipe embedded landscape orientation and hangfire.
20.Based on the method to design the 3-D knottiness gimbale transmission shaft,the torsion vibration is reducde,and the syntony is also avoided.