1.She is the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics of the policy.
2.The tongue is a vocal organ.
3.He became vocal with indignation.
4.Objectvie:To investigate the dog vocal fold reconstruction after cordectomy in experimental study.
5.Objective To pursue an effective method to recover the adductive and abductive function of the paratyzed vocal cord simultaneously.
6.A stroboscopic examination showed that the left vocal cord remained stationary in the paramedian position, signifying left vocal cord paralysis.
7.Abstract: Loud reading is a recreative activity for changing literary language ingo vocal language of normal pronunciation.
8.It did not help that one of his very vocal opponents Marcellus of Ancyra did, in fact, border dangerously on modalism.
9.236 patients had got normal phonation in ten days after microlarygoscopy operations, and one was vocal fold cancer treated by laryngofissure.
10.Methods The unilateral vocal cord, laryngeal ventricle, partial anteroinferior portion of ventricular band and the homolateral inner perichondrium of the thyroid cartilage were excised.
11.Although laryngomalacia is the leading cause of stridor in infancy, vocal cord paralysis, despite its low incidence, is still the second most common cause.
12.BACKGROUND: Various investigative tools, including direct visualization with stroboscopy and indirect observation with glottography, have been widely used for the observation of vocal fold vibration.
13.Possessing a five-octave vocal range, Carey has been noted for her frequent use of melisma in her singing style and her capabilities in the whistle register.
14.In fact, the liturgical tradition which the Church has bestowed on us is a vocal, monophonic music composed along with Latin words coming from sacred texts.
15.Flat, unmemorable, and with awkwardly written English lyrics performed uncharismatically by Chinatsu Kasai, these tracks are probably the weakest of the vocal tracks in the Chronicles albums.
16.The issue of vocal cords vibrating in voice training is easy to lead to making voice dark,dry and coarse,raucity even caused pathological changes such as vocal cords polyp.
17.Methods Video-stroboscopy was used to reveal the laryngeal cavity and dynamic changes of the vocal fold, and sound spectrograph was used to examine audio frequency, pitch and width.
18.Beautifully arranged with an acoustical treasure trove of flutes, singing bowls, cello, percussion, didgeridoo, jembe, piano, accordion and vocals, this is an aural journey not to be missed.