Hundreds of innocent civilians were cruelly slaughtered.
Hundreds of innocent civilians were cruelly slaughtered.
The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement.
Aids has cut a swathe through battalions of ordinary people.
The socioligist maintained that a demotic society would lower the nation's standards.
So far hundreds of innocent civilians have died at the hands of the terrorists.
In response, Charles VI sent a punitive expedition to Brittany, raping and killing the populace.
Many of the city’s populace travel to work by subway or bus.
In an unprecedented action, the army, on its own initiative, arrested seventeen civilians.
军队竟然擅自逮捕了17 个平,这种行为简直是前所未有。
I've had a basinful of bowler-hat and furled-umbrella parts.
There were six guards roaming the estate, all goons in civvies so as not to attract attention.
/ 有六个守卫漫游不动产,平的所有呆子如此同样地不要吸引注意。
So that great representative of the interests of the common people was the undoer of her—a self-confessed washerwoman's daughter.
Peasant Spearmen, of "Fyrd" as they were called in Anglo-Saxon, are composed of free farmers called up to the service of the king.
During this legateship, when he was walking along preceded by the fasces, one of his fellow-townsmen, a man of Lepcis and a plebeian, embraced him as an old comrade.
In the western world the plebeian or popular element in each state successfully assailed the oligarchical monopoly;and a code was nearly universally obtained early in the history of the Commonwealth.
A local resident, Sher Ali, said the tribesmen in the Angor Adda area had been on alert since September 3 when US special forces dropped by US helicopters killed more than 20 civilians.
一名当地居,谢尔阿里说,部落,在angor adda面积提高警觉,自9月3日,当美国特种部队下降了美军直升机死亡, 20多平。