Martha is a benign old lady.
Martha is a benign old lady.
Martha was burning with curiosity.
A young boy climbs up from the water after trying to catch baitfish August 7, 2009 in Menemsha, Massachusetts on the island of Martha's Vineyard.
一个小男孩从水中爬上后追赶的Menemsha,在玛莎葡萄园岛马萨诸塞baitfish 2009年8月7日。
Another lady whose bumpy emotional journey has led her to help others is Martha Lane Fox, dotcom millionairess, near-death survivor and head of her own charity, Antigone.
还有一位女士,她坎坷不平的情感之旅促使她乐善好施,她就是玛莎·兰尼-福克 – 电商务的女百万富翁、曾经濒临死亡的生还者、自已成立的慈善机构安提歌尼的掌门人。
Much of the work on view was produced after 1926, when Bonnard and his model, muse and wife, Marthe, moved into “Le Bosquet”, an unimposing villa above Cannes.