When braced, Jack naturally denied his identity.
当遇到拦路查问时, 杰克自然地否认身分。
When braced, Jack naturally denied his identity.
当遇到拦路查问时, 杰克自然地否认身分。
Plants grow naturally.
He bowed stiffly.
That question naturally suggested itself.
Opportunities for learning occur spontaneously every day.
The monied-men who buy my cues naturally want the best hitting and longest lasting cue their money can buy.
Modern science and technology empower human beings to control natural forces more effectively.
Since is the life in aquatic, also lets us be suitable the water cause natural subcrust current to get down.
Naturally lit by a roof cylindrical skylight that creates a vertical strik that can reach the bottom part of the stairs.
"If the natural resources are used economically, we can certainly slow down the present drain on the limited energy supply."
From this point simply swing forward and up and the racquet will naturally become vertical at contact, provided that you swing from the shoulders and do not get too wristy.
从这点,假定网拍在接触点下面一呎,只上挥拍, 如此网拍将自然地在接触中变成垂直,假设你从肩膀挥拍而且不太用到手腕话。
As a schoolboy with an avid interest in birds, David Wingate was present in 1951 when a Bermudan naturalist succeeded in weaseling the first cahow out of its deep nesting crevice.
Perhaps the Force sees fit to spare these people rigors they aeren't ready for, but to me that sounds like a stretch when I think about the horrors Gopi Krishna barely survived.