She wears a pair of gloves lined with rabbit.
She wears a pair of gloves lined with rabbit.
The suitcase liner is a piece of soft cloth.
Care must be taken to completely seal entrance plugs(eg. at a manway)in refractory linings.
The coat is lined with silk.
Strong cloth lined the trunk.
"Line your old cloak?" shouted Mr. McGregor "I shall sell them and buy myself baccy!"
The technical advantages and disadvantages of natural rubber liner, chloroprene rubber liner, precuring butyl rubber liner and room temperature self-vulcanization butyl rubber liner are compared.
Presents British AMV ammonia process, the operation of Secondary reformer with natural gas as the feed,air distributor and fractory lining damage and their repair.
Epoxy or plastic liming may be cast into the concrete pipe during manufacture;or bitumastic or coal tar epoxy may be painted on the concrete pipe surfaces after installation.
It can be used as all kinds of linings for industrial furnaces, heat resis-tance materials, heat clapboard in furnaces, lining for high heat ce-raminc furnaces, flame blocking board for stokehole.
An adornment of penniform bracken plant design is on the ivory liner among cushion for leaning on, linen edge offerred a natural photograph draw a frame round for this design.
The change of the control group's histomorphology was clear: the incrassation of synovial lining cells, the infiltration of Inflammatory cells and the erosion of nephelium of blood vessels on hones.
The lining of her apparel (which is herself) is far better than outsides of tissue: for though she be not arrayed in the spoil of the silkworm, she is decked in innocency, a far better wearing.