The rear axle carries the greatest weight.
The rear axle carries the greatest weight.
The new taxes pressed heavily on the people.
Synthetic peptide purification. Are isocratic elution and volume overload options to improve process economics?
Objective To investigate changes induced by hindlimb unloading in morphology of nerve endings in soleus muscle spindles.
This association became nonsignificant after adjustment for body mass index (BMI) and postload glucose levels at baseline.
It shoewd that nonlinear load injects hormonic power to system, and creates the negative error to energy metering.
The control system will automatically transfer to this mode in the mode in the event of a boiler runback.
Abstract: The capacity of cable circuits can be evaluated based on measurement of load and temperature data and thermel modelling.
Graphalloy components can withstand temperature fluctuations ranging from cryogenic to 1000F and are dimensionally stable even when submerged or under load.
Another critical factor when designing tricycle gear is to properly balance the load carried by the main gear versus the nosewheel.
Objective A software used for acquiring and analyzing signals was developed for ergonomical research on Human Workload in space manual system.
The characteristic of variation of resistance for Polysilicon microresistor with time was measured under constant power operation using Digital Constant Power System(DCPS).
The result indicates that great differences,which have significant influence on the aqua-plants,exist in the evapotranspire,the bio-mass,the root density and the root length.
In general,the cylindrical roller bearings, belonging to axial discerptible bearing,are suitable only for sustaining radial loads.The contact of roller with race is linear.
A higher tax rate was the net-margin nibbler, as the company dished out nearly double the tax load as it had a year earlier.
It was proved that it is important to control the duration, intensity and supercompensation of overload training, which is of significance to the cardiovascular system.
Conculsion The level of the abnormal MBF reserve in stenosed coronary artery may be the mainly physiopathologic basis of dipyridamole stress echocardiography in detecting coronary stenosis.
To multi-station(multiqueue) cyclic service system, this paper advances a grade compound new strategy of a development adjust service quantity to fit the station load unbalance system.
The increasing of SF and SI reflectes the severity of iron state in body, especially in liver, this has been proved by studies of Piperno and Akiyoski.
SF、SI 的升高反映了机体特别是肝脏铁负较,这一点被 Piperno、Akiyoski 等的研究所证实。
Results showed that the oil removal effect of lipophilic filler is better than lipophobic filler, and the treatment processes can obtain satisfactory treatment effect without using any chemicals.