2.Mutual fund is the collection of investor's funds, and it presents investor's profits to make investment with preinstall goal.
3.The $cacheAction attribute aids in caching views, and the $paginate attribute is used to set pagination defaults for the controller.
+ $cacheAction 属性在快取视图时会用,$paginate 属性是预设用来设定分页。
4.Abstract: This treatise uses TFA concept and its analytic method to discuss the differences and characteristics of the presupposition, entailment and affirmance.
5.Note 3: The default user code of the MOEACA IC card is the representor's ID number. Please change the user code after receiving the IC card.
6.According to his critique, the intentional experience presupposes the innateness of thought, and therefore cannot account for how a new way of thinking is borne from learning and experiment.