Evergreen ornamental and timber conifer (Araucaria araucana) of the family Araucariaceae, native to the Andes Mountains of South America.
南洋杉科常绿乔木,学名为Araucaria araucana。可供观赏和材用,原产南美安地斯山脉。
Evergreen ornamental and timber conifer (Araucaria araucana) of the family Araucariaceae, native to the Andes Mountains of South America.
南洋杉科常绿乔木,学名为Araucaria araucana。可供观赏和材用,原产南美安地斯山脉。
In February 1948 he left Chile, crossing the Andes Mountains on horseback by night with the manuscript of Canto general in his saddlebag.