| 划词

Controled the humidity of drying room at abaut 40% can notably cut dowm the time of drying process, browning , and sulphur surplusage of products.



The characteristics of each cement clinker process by carbide slag in domestic were analysed. dry prebaking, dry grinding, and dry burn process are best prospective.




cloudbursttreatment, cloudbuster, cloudcapped, cloud-capped, cloud-castle, cloud-cuckoo-land, cloud-dragon, clouded, cloudier, cloudily, cloudiness, clouding, cloud-kissing, cloudland, cloudless, cloudlet, cloudling, cloudmachine, cloudness, cloud-projector, clouds, cloudscape, cloudward, cloudwards, cloudworld, cloudy, cloudyarn, cloudyweb, Clouet, clough,


3G, 401(K), a,



If it says dry process or natural process on the bag, expect those flavours.


Scishow 精选系列

But linseed oil dries through oxidation, basically the same process through which you create fire.


语版 TED-Ed 演讲精选

Both the adhesive and cohesive bonds of glue are strong, but the drying process makes them irreversible.



And this is a cleaner, then goes inside this big box, where the drying process starts.


Scishow 精选系列

Plus, the cold air inside a refrigerator speeds up the drying process, since it holds less moisture than warmer air.



And that in my experience is around 40% of people then I would strongly avoid dry or natural process coffees unless they're making a lot of promises around how clean it tastes.



He was a broad-chested fellow with a fervid temperament, which helped him better in imbibing religious ideas than in the dry process of acquiring the mere human knowledge of the alphabet.



Still the young Italian's eye turned sidelong upward; and it really seemed as if the touch of genuine, though slight and almost playful, emotion communicated a juicier sweetness to the dry, mechanical process of his minstrelsy.



What can be a great dish can fail badly if cheap products are used. Sausages make or break the meal, they can go either way, great, full flavoured, plump, well cooked delights or overcooked dry, processed, guts.




coatdress, coated, coated with, coated-tips, coatee, coater, coat-hanger, coati, coatimundi, coating, coatings, coatrack, CoAtransferase, coatroom, coatsusceptor, coattail, coat-tail, coauthor, co-author, coax, coaxal, coaxality, coaxial, co-axial, coaxial cable, coaxial-cable, coaxiality, coaxial-line, coaxialprobe, coaxing, coaxingly, coaxitron, coaxswitch, cob, cobalamin, cobalamine, cobalt, cobalt blue, cobaltammine, cobaltammines, cobalt-blue, cobalt-chromate, cobaltco, cobaltglance, cobaltic, cobaltichloride, cobalticyanide, cobaltiferous, cobaltine, cobaltinitrite, cobaltite, cobalt-nickel, cobaltocalcite, cobaltocene, cobaltocyanate, cobaltomenite, cobaltosis, cobaltous, cobaltyl, cobamide, coban, Cobanic, cobasis, cobaya, Cobb, cobber, cobbies, cobbing, cobble, cobble stone, cobbled, cobbler, cobblers, cobblery, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbling, cobbly, cobbra, cobby, Cobden, Cobdenism, Cobdenite, COBE, cobefrin, Cobeko, cobelligerence, cobelligerency, cobelligerent, Cobenium, Cober, Cobex, Cobham, COBI, cobia, cobinamide, Cobinotron, cobione, Cobitidae, coble, Coblenz, Coblenzian, cobnut, coboglobin, COBOL, cobordism, coboundary, cobra, cobraism, cobra-lecithid, cobralysin, cobras, cobratoxin, cobravenom, cobra-venom, cobrotoxin, cobs, coburg, cobweb, cobwebbed, cobwebbery, cobwebby, cobwed-like, COC, coca, Coca Cola, CocaCola, Coca-Cola, cocain, cocaine, cocainidine, cocainism, cocainist, cocainization, cocainize, cocainomania, cocainomaniac, cocalons, cocalvirus, cocap, co-carbonization, cocarboxylase, cocarcinogen, co-carcinogen, cocarcinogens, cocatalyst, co-catalyst, cocategory, Coccaceae, coccal, coccerin, cocci, coccic, coccid, coccidia, coccidial, coccidian, coccidioidomycosis, Coccidiomorpha, coccidiosis, coccidiostat, coccidium, coccidology, cocciferous, coccigenic, Coccinea, coccinella, coccinellin, coccineous, coccobacillary, coccobacillus, coccoclase, coccode, coccogenic, coccogenous, coccoid, coccolith, Coccolithophora, Coccolithophorida, coccoliths, coccomelasma, Coccomorpha, coccosphere, Coccosteomorphi, cocculin, Cocculus, coccus, Coccuscacti, coccyalgia, coccydynia, coccygeal, coccygeal vertebra, coccygectomy, coccygeus, coccygodynia, coccygotomy, coccyx, coceine, Cochabamba, cochain, cochair, cochairman, co-channel, cochin, Cochin China, cochineal, cochlea, cochlear, cochleare, cochlearia, Cochleariidae, cochleate, cochleitis, cochleoid, cochleotoxicity, cochleovestibular, Cochliodontidae, cochlitis, cochloitis, cochromatograph, cochromatographic, cochromatographicseparation, cochromatography, cochrome, cocinerite, cocinin, cocircuit, cock, cockabully, cockade, cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-hoop, Cockaigne, cock-a-leekie, cockalorum, cockamamie, cockamamy, cock-and-bull, cock-and-hen, cockateel, cockatiel, cockatoo, cockatrice, Cockayne, cock-bead, cockboat, cockbrain, cockchafer, Cockcroft, cockcrow, cockcrowing, Cocke, cocked, cocked hat, cocker, cocker spaniel, cockerel, cockerel-breeder, cockermeg, cocket, cockeye, cockeyed, cock-eyed, cockfight, cock-fight, cockfighting, cockhorse, cockie-leekie, cockily, cockiness, cocking, cockish, cockle, cockleboat, cocklebur, cockles, cockleshell, cockle-stair, cocklestairs, cocklifter, cockling, cockloft, cockney, cockneydom, cockneyese, cockneyfy, cockneyism, cockneyize, cockneys, cock-of-the-rock, cockpit, cockring, cockroach, cockscomb, cocksfoot, cockshot, cockshut, cocksparrow, cockspur, cock-stop, cockstrut, cocksure, cockswain, cocksy, cocktail, cocktail dress, cocktail lounge, cocktail party, cocktail shaker, cocktail table, cocktailed, cockup, cock-up, cocky, cockyleeky, cockyolly, coclad, coclamine, coclaurine, coclobine, coclypeus, coco, cocoa, cocoa bean, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, cocoanut, cocobolo, cococarde, COCOM, cocomat, cocondensation, coconscious, coconsciousness, coconspirator, co-content, cocontraction, coconut, coconut cream, coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut palm, coconut tree, coconut water, coconuts, coconversion, cocoon, cocoonase, cocoon-break, cocoon-cut, cocoonery, cocooning, cocopan, cocorico, cocos, cocostearin, cocothiazole, cocotte, cocountabletopology, coco-vitamine, cocozelle, cocretion, cocrystallization, co-crystallization, cocsarmine, cocto-immunogen, coctolabile, coctoprecipitation, coctoprecipitin, coctoprecipitinogen, coctoprotein, coctostabile, coctostable, cocultivation, co-cultivation, co-culture, co-curing, cocurrent, cocurricular, cocurriculum, cocuswood, cocycle, Cocytus, cod, cod liver oil, coda, codability, CODAG, codalltoin, codamine, codan, CODAP, CODAR, codase, CODASYL, CODATA, CODcr, codding, coddle, code, code of conduct, codeaminase, codebase, codebook, codebreaker, code-breaker, codec, codecarboxylase, code-check, codeclination, codecontamination, codecs, coded, codedisc, code-element, codefendant, codehydrase, codein, codeine, codeinone, Codelco, codeless, coden, codename, code-name, cod-end, codeonal, codepage, codependency, code-point, codeposition, coder, coder-decoder, codes, codeset, codesign, codesignal, codeslstandards, code-switching, codeterminant, codetermination, codetermine, code-theodolite, codethyline, codetta, CodeWarrior, codewords, codex, codfish, codger, Codiaceae, codiazine, CODIC, codices, codicil, codicillary, codicology, codifferential, codification, codifier, codify, CODIL, codimension, codimer, coding, coding system, CODIPHASE, codirectional, codiscoverer, codissolved, codistillation, codistor, codlemone, codlin, codline, codling, codling moth, codlinsandcream, codman, codogram, codol, codomain, codominance, codominant, codon, codopant, codope, codoping, codpiece, codrenin, codriver, codswallop, Cody, codylin, coecilian, coed, co-ed, coedificato, coedism, coedit, coedition, coeditor, coedm, coedna, coeducate, coeducation, co-education, coeducational, coefficient, coefficient of correlation, coefficient of elasticity, coefficient of expansion, coefficient of friction, coefficient of viscosity, coehorn, coel-, coelacanth, Coelacanthidae, Coelacanthiformes, coelanaglyphic, coelarium, coelectrodeposition, coelenchyme, coelentera, Coelenterata, coelenterate, coelenteron, coeli-, coeliac, coelialgia, coelicolorin, coeliectomy, coelinvar, coeliohystero-salpingo-oothecectomy, coeliorrhaphy, coelioscope, coeliotomy, coelitis, coeloblastula, coelogastrula, coelom, coelomate, coelomatic, coelomation, coelome, coelomere, coelomic, coelomocyte, coelomoduct, coelomopore, coelomoporus, coelomostome, coelonavigation, coelophthalmia, Coelopidae, coeloplanula, coeloschisis, coelosis, coelosphere, coelostat, coelothel, coemption, coemulsifier, coenacle, coene, coenecium, coenelasma, coenenchyma, coenenchyme, co-energy, coenesthesia, coenesthesis, coeno-, coenobiology, coenobiosis, coenobite, Coenobitidae, coenobitism, coenobium, coenocarpium, coenocentrum, coenochyma, coenocline, coenocyte, coenocytia, coenocytic, coenoecium, coenogamete, coenogenesis, coenogenetic, coenogony, coenology, coenomonoecia, Coenomyidae, Coenopteridales, coenosarc, coenosis, coenosium, coenosorus, coenospecies, coenosporangium, coenospore, coenostele, coenosteum, coenostroma, Coenothecalla, coenotype, coenozygote, coenurosis, coenurus, coenvelope, coenzyme, coenzyme a, coenzyme q, coenzymometer, coequal, coequality, coequalizer, coequally, coerce, coercend, coercer, coerces, coercibility, coercible, coercimeter, coercing, coercion, coercionary, coercionist, coercive, coercively, coercivemeter, coerciveness, coercivity, coeruleofibrite, coeruleolactite, coeruleous, coerulescent, coerulomycin, coesite, coessential, coestablishment, coeswrench, coetaneous, coeternal, coetonium, coeur, coeval, coevality, coevaporation, coevolution, coevolve, coexclusive, coexecutor, coexecutrix, coexist, coexistence, coexistensive, coexistent, coexponent, coextend, coextension, coextensive, coextract, coextraction, coextrusion, co-extrusion, COF, cofacter, cofactor, cofeature, cofel, coferment, COFF, coffee, coffee bar, coffee bean, coffee break, coffee cream, coffee cup, coffee grinder, coffee grounds, coffee maker, coffee mill, coffee roll, coffee shop, coffee table, coffee-and, coffeebar, coffeecake, coffeehouse, coffeemaker, coffeemill, coffee-mill, coffeepot, coffeestall, coffee-table, coffeine, coffeinum, coffer, cofferdam, coffering, coffers, coffeurin, Coffey, Coffey-still, coffie, coffin, coffin nail, coffinite, coffle, coffret, CofG, cofibering, cofibration, cofiltration, cofinal, cofinality, cofinance, cofinancing, cofinitetopology, coflow, coflyer, co-flyer, coformycin, cofounder, coframe, cofree, COFSA, cofunction, cofunctor, cog, cog wheel, Cogas, cogasin, cogbell, cogelled, cogency, cogeneration, cogenetic, cogent, cogently, cogeoid, co-geoid, coggea, cogged, Coggeshall, cogging, coggle, cogitable, cogitate, cogitation, cogitative, cogitator, cogito, cognac, cognate, cognation, cognisable, cognisance, cognisant, cognise, cognition, cognitive, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive process, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, cognitivism, cognitor, cognitron, cognizable, cognizance, cognizant, cognize, cognomen, cognominal, cognoscente, cognoscible, cognoscitive, cognovit, COGO, Cogon, cogongrass, cogpu, cogradientsubstitution, cograft, cograil, cogredient, cogroup, COGS, cog-tooth, cogway, cogwheel, cogwood, COHA, cohab, cohabit, cohabitant, cohabitation, Cohan, coheir, coheiress, Cohen, cohence, cohenite, cohere, cohereditary, coherence, coherency, coherent, coherentism, coherenttopology, coherer, coheres, cohesible, cohesiometer, cohesion, cohesionless, cohesive, cohesiveness, coho, coho salmon, cohobate, cohobation, cohoe, cohomology, cohomotopy, cohort, cohorts, cohosh, cohune, cohydrol, cohydrolysis, COI, coidentity, coif, coiffed, coiffeur, coiffeuse, coiffure, coign, coigne, Coignet, coigue, coil, coil spring, coila, coilanaglyph, coilbox, coiled steel, coil-ejector, coiler, coilia, coiling, coillayer, coilonychia, coilpanel, coilpolymer, coils, coil-side, coil-span, coil-temper-mill, coimage, Coimbatore, COIME, coimmobilization, coin, coin machine, coinage, coin-assorter, coin-box, coincide, coincidence, coincident, coincidental, coincidentally, coindication, coinduced, coinducer, coiner, coinfection, co-infection, co-information, coing, coinhere, coinheritance, co-inhibitor, coining, coinitial, coinitiator, coin-op, coin-operated, COINS, coinstantaneity, coinstantaneous, coinstantaneously, coinstitutional, coinsurance, coinsure, cointegrant, cointegrate, Cointelpro, cointersection, cointreau, co-invariant, coinverse, coion, coir, coiro, coit, coital, coition, coitophobia, coitus, coitus interruptus, Coix, coixenolide, coixol, cojones, cokability, coke, cokeability, cokebed, coked, cokefiend, cokehead, coke-hole, cokeite, coker, cokernel, cokernut, cokery, cokes, cokeslet, cokey, coking, cokuloris, col, col-, cola, colaborer, colace, colacium, colacobiosis, colaholic, colalin, colalloy, colamine, colander, colas, colasmix, colatein, colathar, colatin, colating, colation, colatitude, colatorium, colature, Colbac, colbertan, Colbertisme, Colbred, colby, colcannon, colcemid, colchamine, colchiceinamide, colchicin, colchicinamide, colchicine, colchicine-induced, colchicoresin, colchicoside, colchicum, colclad, Colclough, Colcord, colcothar, colcother, colcrete, cold, cold chisel, cold comfort, cold cream, cold cuts, cold feet, cold fish, cold frame, cold front, cold fusion, cold shoulder, cold snap, cold sore, cold storage, cold sweat, cold turkey, cold wave, cold work, cold-bent, cold-blast, cold-blooded, coldbloodedly, coldblooedness, cold-brittleness, cold-calling, cold-chamber, cold-coining, coldcolours, coldcomfort, coldcounsel, cold-crucible, colddiuresis, cold-draw, cold-drawn, cold-emulsion, cold-end, cold-extruded, cold-eyed, cold-faxing, cold-finish, cold-flow, cold-forging, cold-forming, cold-hammer, coldhardiness, coldhearted, cold-hearted, cold-heartedly, cold-heartedness, coldish, cold-junction, cold-lap, cold-leach, coldlivered, cold-livered, coldly, cold-maceration, cold-mill, cold-molding, cold-moulding, coldness, coldnews, cold-pack, cold-patch, cold-penetration, coldplate, coldplate-mounted, Coldplay, cold-press, cold-roll, cold-running, cold-setting, cold-short, cold-shortness, cold-shots, cold-shoulder, coldslaw, cold-smoking, cold-snap, coldstart, cold-starting, cold-steel, cold-strip, cold-trap, cold-trim, cold-trimming, cold-weld, cold-workability, coldworking, cold-working, cole, cole slaw, colecalciferol, colectomy, coleitis, Coleman, colemanite, coleocele, coleopter, coleoptera, coleopteran, coleopterist, coleopterology, coleopteron, coleopterous, coleoptile, coleorhiza, Coleorrhyncha, coleospastia, coleostenosis, Coler, Coleridge, Coleridgian, coleseed, coleslaw, colessee, colestipol, coleta, Colette, coleus, co-level, colewort, coley, Colgate, colgrout, coli, colibacillosis, colibacilluria, colibacillus, colibacterin, colic, colica, colicin, colicine, colicinogen, colicinogeny, colicker, colicky, colicodynia, colicolitis, colicoplegia, colicroot, colicweed, colicystitis, colicystopyelitis, colidar, coliform, coliformin, coli-group, Coliidae, Coliiformes, coliindex, coli-index, coli-infection, colilysin, Colima, colimycin, Colin, Colin Powell, coline, colinear, colinearity, colinephritis, Colins, colipase, coliphage, coliplication, colipyelitis, colipyuria, colisan, colisee, colisepsis, coliseptale, coliseum, colistin, colitis, colititre, colitoxemia, colitoxicosis, colitoxin, coliuria, colk, colkhoz, colla, collaborate, collaborateur, collaboration, collaborationism, collaborationist, collaborative, collaborator, collacin, collada, collage, collagen, collagenase, collagenolysis, collagenolytic, collagenosis, collagenous, collagenzation, collagraph, collape, collapsar, collapse, collapsed, collapses-revivals, collapsibility, collapsible, collapsing, collapsotherapy, collar, collar bone, collarband, collarbeam, collarbone, collar-bone, collarbutton, collard, collare, collared, collaret, collarette, collargall, collarine, collaring, collarless, collars, collarstud, collarwork, collastin, collat, collate, collated, collateral, collateral damage, collateralize, collaterals, collating, collation, collative, collator, collatoria, colleague, colleaguesmanship, collect, collect call, collectable, collectanea, collected, collectedly, collectedness, collectibility, collectible, collectin, collecting-arm, collection, collectiontruck, collective, collective agreement, collective bargaining, collective farm, collective noun, collective security, collectively, collectivisation, collectivise, collectivism, collectivist, collectivistic, collectivity, collectivization, collectivize, collectomania, collector, collectorate, collector-base, collector-reflector, collector's, collectorship, collectress, colleen, college, College of Cardinals, college student, colleger, colleges, collegia, collegial, collegiality, collegian, collegiate, colleging, collegium, Collemaceae, Collembola, collembolan, collembolous, collenchyma, collencyte, collergang, collet, collet chuck, colleter, colleterium, Colletidae, colletin, colletotrichum, collets, collette, colliculectomy, colliculitis, colliculus, collide, collide with, collided, collider, collidine, collie, collieite, collier, colliers, colliery, collies, collieshangie, colliferous, colligability, colligable, colligate, colligation, colligational, colligative, colligend, collimate, collimating, collimation, collimator, collinear, collinearity, collineation, collinite, Collins, collinsia, collinsite, Collinsonia, collinus, colliquable, colliquate, colliquation, colliquefaction, collision, collision course, collisional, collision-mat, colllywobbles, collo-, colloblast, collobrierite, collocable, collocate, collocation, collochemistry, collochore, collocutor, collocystis, collodion, collodionize, collodium, colloform, collogue, colloid, colloidal, colloidal gel, colloidal solution, colloidal suspension, colloidality, colloider, colloidin, colloidization, colloidize, colloidoclasia, colloidogen, colloidopexy, colloidophagy, colloidox, colloids, colloma, collonema, collop, collophane, collophanite, collophony, collophore, colloquia, colloquial, colloquialism, colloquialist, colloquially, colloquist, colloquium, colloquize, colloquy, collose, collosol, collotype, colloxylin, colltype, collude, collulum, collum, collunarium, collusion, collusite, collusive, collut., collutorium, collutory, colluvia, colluvial, colluviation, colluvium, colly, collyr., collyria, Collyritidae, collyrium, collywobbles, Colman, colmascope, colmatage, colmation, Colmonoy, Colnova, colo-, Colo., Colobidae, coloboma, colobus, colocasia, co-locate, co-location, colocecostomy, colocentesis, colocleisis, coloclysis, coloclyster, colocolostomy, colocynth, colocynthidism, colodyspepsia, colog, cologarithm, cologenide, Cologne, cololysis, Colomat, Colombia, Colombian, colombianite, colombier, Colombo, colombophile, colometrogram, colometrometer, colomony, colomycin, colon, colon cancer, colone, colonel, colonelcy, colonelship, colonia, colonial, colonial expansion, colonialism, colonialist, colonialistic, colonic, colonics, colonise, colonist, colonitis, colonization, colonize, colonizer, colonnade, colonnaded, colonnette, colonofiberscope, colonofiberscopy, colonometer, colonopathy, colonorrhagia, colonorrhea, colonoscope, colonoscopy, colonus, colony, colonychia, colopathy, colopexostomy, colopexotomy, colophon, colophony, coloplication, coloproctectomy, coloproctitis, coloproctosomy, coloptosis, colopuncture, coloquintida, color, color bar, color blindness, color chart, color guard, color line, color scheme, color vision, colorable, colorably, colorado, Colorado beetle, Colorado Desert, Colorado Plateau, Colorado potato beetle, Colorado Springs, Coloradoan, coloradoite, colorama, colorant, colorate, coloration, coloratlas, colorator, coloratura, colorature, color-bar, color-bearer, colorblind, color-blind, color-blindness, colorcast, color-code, color-compensating, colordisc, colorectal, colorectitis, colorectostomy, colored, colored filter, colorfast, colorflexer, colorful, Colorgraph, colorific, colorimeter, colorimetric, colorimetric analysis, colorimetrictitration, colorimetry, coloring, coloring book, colorist, colority, colorize,


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