They campaigned on behalf of asylum seekers.
They campaigned on behalf of asylum seekers.
Having sought asylum in the West for many years, they were eventually granted it.
Miss Diana gave away all her castoffs to the little girls in the orphan asylum.
The place where optimism most flourishes is the lunatic asylum ---Henry Havelock Ellis,British sexologist, physician, and social reformer.
乐观主义最为活跃的地方是 疯人 ---亨利.哈维洛克.艾利斯,英国性学家,医生和社会改革家。
Let me do not pray to get the asylum in the inclemency, But pray the ability fearlessness of face them, Let I not imprecation I of pain and sufferings will stop, But beg my heart and can conquer it.
让我不要祈祷在险恶中得到庇护, 但祈祷能无畏的面对它们, 让我不祈求我的痛苦会停止, 但求我的心能征服它。