2.Embryo nidation is a complex and sequencing physiological processes.
3.Most grass embryos have a flap-like structure known as the epiblast.
4.The development characters of small-nutted longan embryo were studied by paraffin method.
5.All bdelloid rotifers are female, and they make embryos without any need for sperm.
6.Objective To study the effect of embryo neural stem cell transplantation(SCT) in neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis(NCL).
7.Abstract: Embryo nidation is a complex and sequencing physiological processes.
8.Thermal biology research of Rana chensinensis in different development stages(egg,embryo,tadpole,froglet and adult)was carried on the summary.
9.We have just one editor and a reporter, so you could say that the newspaper exists in embryo.
10.The sows of natural oestrus ovulated more swiftly than the superovulation, and the embryo quality of nature was better.
11.The larger embellum could be used as a secondary screening indicator for identifying aposporous embryo sac in Apluda mutica.
12.In the embryo an undifferentiated mesodermal component of an early trunk or tail segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm.
13.Toxoplasmosis ophthalmopathy is mainly characterzied by congenital malformation from optic pit and optic vesicle s lesion at earlier embryo period,and retinochoroiditis from inflammation.
14.The mature embryo is corn posed of radicle, coleorhiza, plumule, coleoptile, scutellum and epiblast.That is the typical structure of the mature embryo of grass.
15.Objective To investigate the relationship between the first polar body morphology of oocyte and the zygote morphology in pronucleus stage, embryo quality in cleavage stage.
16.There are 5 stages during the development of embryo, including the stage of 2-celled proembryo, multicellular proembryo, globular proembryo, pyriform proembryo, differential embryo and mature embryo.
17.While this is occurring an unfertilized egg cell is taken from a Blackface ewe with its DNA filled nucleus taken out leaving a nucleus free egg cell that will later produce an embryo (3).