Admirer of bone-carvings as strong as gigas, a sasquatch pal with muscles...
Admirer of bone-carvings as strong as gigas, a sasquatch pal with muscles...
Definition: Oyster Shell is the shell of Ostrea gigas Thunberg, Ostrea talienwhanensis Crosse or Ostrea rivularis Gould (Fam.Osteridae).
本品为牡蛎科动物长牡蛎 Ostrea gigas Thunberg、连湾牡蛎 Ostrea talie nwhanensis Crosse 或近江牡蛎 Ostrea rivularis Gould贝。
Firstly, we use Giga’s EA Evaluation Scorecard Model to assess the possibility and suitability of IAF for developing telecom BOSS.
首先参照电信管理坛TMF(Telemanagement Forum)提出业支撑系统BOSS(Business Operation Support System)系统目标体系架构应具8特征,采用Giga企业架构评价平衡积分卡模型,从用户接受角度比较、评价CapgeminiIAF综合架构框架对于构筑面向3G时代BOSS系统架构适应性。