7.Microspheric trans aconitic acid imprinted polymers were synthesized via a precipitation polymerization with acetonitrile as dispersion solvent.
8.Imprint on the ball these marks show pushball already was detected formally, accord with the special technology requirement that each level place set.
9.A molecularly imprinted solid phase extractant, particularly for the recognition of diphenylguanidine (DPG) was prepared using diphenylguanidine (DPG) as the template and bulk polymerization.
10.The authors showed that H19 is maternally imprinted and IGF2 is paternally imprinted in various tissues in the tammar wallaby.
11.At that time, she also suffers serious injury, by " fixed " go up in sickbed, she was shedding a tear to kiss 100 lips to imprint on a piece of rice paper, send the husband be buried, heartstricken.