3.Stamens 5 to numerous, free or inserted in perigone tube.
4.Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at middle of corolla tube, slightly exserted.
5.He inserted the key in the lock but could not open the door.
6.If urethral injury is suspected, urethral integrity should be confirmed by a retrograde urethrogram before the catheter is inserted.
7.A detailed street plan of the city is inserted in a corner of the area map.
8.PICC catheter was inserted to superior vena cava through uninjured side basilic vein or median cubital vein for receving chemotherapy.
9.Through the electrodes placed on the body surface corresponding with the rumen, a multipurpose amplifier was inserted to record ruminal electrography.
10.4 rabbits died during anaesthesia, 4 rabbits had hematonephrosis because of long distance tube inserted, and infection happened in 1 rabbit.
11.The incidence face side of the claviform lens is used as a front end, and inserted into the first cylinder and fixed.
12.To study the effectiveness of inserting central venous catheter was inserted into pericardial cavity for the drainage and treatment of lung cancer hydropericardium.
13.Epigyny The type of flower structure in which the perianth and androecium are inserted above the gynoecium, giving an inferior ovary, fused with the receptacle.
14.About six months after the denture is inserted, I'll have to reline or remake it, because the gums will shrink and the denture will become loose.
15.Episome is an additional genetic element that can exist either as an autonomous entity or be inserted into the continuity of the chromosome of a host cell.
16.Twenty-seven tissue expanders were inserted in 14 children (age range: 1.5 to 15 years) of pigmented naevi, h emangioma and scar tissue with exteriorization of the injection port.
17.The HTML string is different from the traditional selectors in that it creates the DOM elements representing that HTML string, on the fly, to be (assumedly) inserted into the document later.
18.Alternatively, a new version of a gene can also be created through reverse transcription: during gene expression, the mRNA is copied back into a sequence of DNA that is inserted into the genome.