1.The army mounted the invasion under cover of darkness.
2.The country is bracing itself for the threatened enemy invasion.
3.They received intelligence of an impending invasion.
4.They are ready against the possible invasion.
5.This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war.
6.The invasion of tourists brought life to the summer resort.
大批游客涌入, 使这个避暑胜地热闹起来。
7.They all trembled at the prospect of an enemy invasion.
8.BRCAl-staining status was not associated with patient age, histologic grade and myometrial invasion in type I endometrial carcinoma.
9.Featurette: The Invasion: Snatched - How do you invade without ships, planes or bombs?
10.Accordingly, Britain and France started to co-ordinate plans for a military invasion of Egypt and a reoccupation of the canal zone.
11.The metallogenic material was from deep alkalic basaltic magma, and the pulsatory invasion was the necessary metallogenic condition of the ore deposit.
12.MRI showed a large inhomogeneously enhanced tumor in the atrium of the right lateral ventricle with extraventricular invasion of the adjacent brain parenchyma.
13.Conclusion Clinical stage, Lymphangial vascular invasion, histological grade, myometrium invasion are the main clinical pathology related with lymph node metastases from cervical cancer.
结论 与盆腔淋巴结转移的相关因素,主要有临床分期、浸润、组织分、脉管浸润有关。
14.The study indicate that Spartina alterniflora could be introduced into the coastland of Jiangsu province properly, but it's invasion to sea-route and aquafarm should be controlled.
15.If the invasion is unresisted, the state of invasion lasts only until the invader has taken firm control of the area with the intention of holding it.
16.Disease from surrounding structures can invade the masticator space via the pterygopalatine fossa, the buccal space immediately anterior to the ramus, the foramen ovale, or by way of direct invasion.