Pato has an edematous suffusion to the adductor of his right thigh. His conditions will be evaluated in the next few days.
Pato has an edematous suffusion to the adductor of his right thigh. His conditions will be evaluated in the next few days.
<br><br>romeno Ce Floros<br><br>Ce pato al Huang floros fule lafan, <br>Klinanta brancos flora peze bendan.<br>Flirtanta papilios ciam dansan,<br>Aplombe gaya oriolos trilan.
杜甫<br><br>黄四娘家花满蹊, <br>千朵万朵压枝低。<br>留连蝶时时舞, <br>自在娇莺恰恰啼。