1.The city of profusion resembles a gyral magic square, rotational dream and temptation, blindfold letting a person is blurred.
2.Water and medicine can be admixed fully depending on symmetric branch off, cross-fading, reverse rotational flow in admixer without outside drive.
3.Rotational alignment of the trochlear component parallel to the epicondylar axis optimizes patellar tracking.25,26 Palpation of the epicondyles is difficult, particularly when using smaller incisions.
4.Experiments for testing the influence of slope angle, transmitting rate, diameter of banana cauloid and rotational rate of the cutter to the power are performed on this platform.
5.The system can achieve the measurement of temperature, pressure, rotational speed and twisting moment, and prevent the damage of engine and ergograph from faults by the function of alarm processing.
6.The corotation circle acts as an interface that can either reflect or transmit these waves, allowing them to gain energy at the expense of the global rotational kinetic energy of the galaxy.
7.The principle of the despun digital control of a CCD camera is introduced,and a maximum rotational speed for assuring an ideal image in despun control system is obtained by analyzing the system.