3.Tom has made enormous strides at school this year.
4.With two strides he crossed the room.
5.They took the emergency in their stride.
6.He took every obstacle in his stride.
7.The boy walked with a manly stride.
8.He walked with a stride full of purpose.
9.She strode purposefully up to the door and knocked loudly.
地大步走到门前, 并大声敲门。
10.She strode purposefully towards the door.
11.The fence is so low that even a ten-year-old boy can stride it.
篱笆太矮, 连十几岁的孩子都能跨过去。
12.When he's got into his stride, I am sure his work will improve.
当他满怀信心地干起来时, 我肯定他的工作会有起色。
13.Joey was upset when we moved house, but Ben seems to have taken it all in his stride.
14.She found the job difficult at first, but now she’s got into her stride and she loves it.
15.Your stride length is enormous, and it gives you this animalistic, loping gait, since you're always on your tiptoes.
16.We’ve managed to match our closest competitors stride for stride as regards prices.
17.The granite vein which width is about 0.5m filled in banded amphibole-gneiss along the tension crack. The milk-white vein strides over ghyll like a white dragon crossing river.
18.Cosily dressed in a brown corduroy suit, nattily matched with a brown jumper, Grass took it all in his stride, happy to fit in a 10-minute chat if he could do it while puffing on his pipe.