2.The second movement of the classical baroque suite, typically following the allemande.
3.They dined in a special suite in glorious splendor.
4.Sunroom and sewing room off master suite built without permit.
5.The suite is a composite of themes for various parts of the opera.
6.The suites each have their own private entrances (not has its own private entrance ).
每个套间都有它们各自单独的入口(不是 has it's own private entrance )。
7.The treatment suites are embellished with heritage frescos evocative of the sensuous and romantic Rajasthani Royal leitmotif.
8.Stainless steel in the bathroom is already novel, but Neo-Metro's Cerine suite can now be customized with water-resistant leather insets.
不锈钢在浴室已算是比较新奇的了,但新地铁的纯地蜡套房,现在可以定制的耐水皮革插图 。
9.A garden-view bure, or Fijian cottage suite, at The Wakaya Club doesn't come cheap, and the minimum stay is five nights.
10.The Ophiolite massifs are composed of mantle peridotite that is mainly harzburgite and dunite, and lacked of crust magmatite within the typical Ophiolite suite.
11.This is the first report on the ophiolite suite, which consists of metasediment, meta-basalt, metadiabase, metagabbro, metapyroxene and metasilicith, in the Wenjiashi area, northeastern Hunan.
12.I took from their sconces two flambeaux and giving one to Fortunato bowed him through several suites of rooms to the archway that led into the vaults.
13.Miss Pitty can get Miss India Wilkes to stay with her and keep the bogyman away.When we get back to Atlanta we are going to stay in the bridal suite of the National Hotel until our house is finished.