1.He received triple wages for all his extra work.
2.The enemy tripled his strength.
3.But in fact, T. rex broke the tyrannosaur mold, nearly tripling in body mass over its predecessors.
4.This soft-ripened cow's milk cheese falls into the category of triple cremes. Very soft, smooth, and creamy.
5.The two classical crystals represented here are ammonium biurate (dark, thorny-apple type crystal), and triple phosphate (clear, coffin-like crystal).
6.The Gran are easily distinguished by their triple eyestalks. They have hircine faces, small horns, and a jutting jaw-line.
7.The IEA estimates that the yearly energy consumed from IT and consumer electronics is on pace to double by 2020 and triple by 2030 to 1,700 terawatt-hours.
国际能源机构估计,每年 IT 和消费类电子产品能源消耗,正在按到 2020 年增加一倍和到 2030 年增加两倍速度增长,将达到 1,700 兆兆瓦小。