2.Their ultimate weapon was the threat of an all-out strike.
3.His defection to the other side was the ultimate betrayal.
4.The ultimate luxury of the trip was flying in Concorde.
5.He was forced to face the ultimate humiliation the next morning.
6.Defenders of the death penalty clearly regard it as the ultimate deterrent.
7.A minister has ultimate responsibility for mistakes and dishonesty in a government department.
8.This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.
9.It includes the abilities of bacteriostasis and degerm, altogether, Antibiotic is the ultimate way.
10.Razer presents the ultimate collector's edition in the form of the Razer Boomslang 2007.
razer介绍了最终收藏版,在形式的razer boomslang 2007年。
11.The professional logo designer works from scratch, the way a patissier creates his ultimate signature mille-feuille.
12.Antiphon poetry poetize everyday life, and maybe it is their ultimate significant value in literary history.
13.In establishing a source of all things, the cosmogonist also establishes his own ultimate value and purpose.
14.Properties determined by mechanical testing, such as yield strength, ductility, ultimate tensile strength, hardness, bendability, impact strength, etc.
15.A powerful blue vibration stimulator in an ultimate gradual design providing explosive orgasms. Velvety soft textured. With multispeed vibrations.
16.In addition,the homeologous multivalent s have been observed in spreads of zygotene but these multivalents were ultimate ly resolved.
在偶 线期还观察到由同祖配对形成的多价体,但在随后阶段中这些多价体消失。
17.Since his ultimate goal is to prove the rationality of the world, he has to transcendentalize, formalize and idealize the theory.
18.But the ultimate way to solve this problem is the cooperation of the justicer,bar and press,and equal treatments done by the c...
19.By melding this alien symbiote with the war-suit given to him by Doctor Doom,he can greatly enhance his already impressive strength and achieve ultimate devastation.
20.This paper introduces calculation of bolt connectin supported by eccentric sheal force on the basis of ultimate strength and compares ultimate strength method with elastic method.