1.Besides sapphire, zircon and almandine are produced in Minxi, Fujian, which form gem mineral association.
2.Ultrafine zircon powder with high purity is a kind of brightening agent in glaze for making high-grade cleaning whiteware.
3.Quartz, zircon, magnetite, gold are major constituents of littoral placers in Shandong province, while shell, ballstone, ilmenite, rutile being secondary.
4.Moreover, in each part of the River, these Gangdese-derived zircons show characteristic eHf(T) values that could be correlated to the neighboring batholithic values.
5.The mineral assemplege of the deposit is composed of diaspore, kaolin, illite, chlorite, hematite, anatace and rutile with tourmaline, zircon, goyazite in less.