The verb “dance” is regular, but the verb “be” is not.
动词dance的变化是则的, 但be的变化是则的。
The verb “dance” is regular, but the verb “be” is not.
动词dance的变化是则的, 但be的变化是则的。
Styles short;stigmas capitate.Utricles irregularly circumscissile (bursting).
It is found that the fiber of phloem of broussonetia is irregular elliptoid at cross section.
SMA staining was positive in basophilous small blocks, spindle or irregular cell cluster.Of the 218 cases, 56 cases had smooth muscle.
At high magnification, the germinal center in this reactive lymph node follicle has prominent macrophages with irregular cellular debris (so-called "tingible body macrophages").
Bullae are rounded or irregularly shaped blisters containing serous or seropurulent fluid.They differ from vesicles only in size, being larger than 1 cm.
The vermeil blood stain stay put and shade in brown ,black. The cleaner used javelle to try to remove the irregular black but failed at last.
Except the centralized load impressed from plane other components and airload, the plane gun bay structure is also endured the wallop of the navigate gun launching.
The only motor within hearing distance was a quaint old Rototiller owned by a local farmer.When the wind was right, its irregular burping noise would come to their ears faintly, like an uneasy spirit.