The bleeding sap had the best fungistatic effect on Botrytis cinerea among the three pathogenic fungi.
The bleeding sap had the best fungistatic effect on Botrytis cinerea among the three pathogenic fungi.
He aed string of 1 with filament in the rear of one part towel gourd head of a gravelstone.
To investigate effects of Retinervus luffae fructus (RLF) on level of serum lipid and body weight in hyperlipidemia rats.
Travel day and night of a countrywoman not demit is careladen planted the towel gourd with one canopy good the way corp is growing.
【摘要】 一个农妇披星戴月不辞劳苦种了一棚长势良好丝。
As to Shang Pin, avoid the edible of tall caloric hoosh and skilly, change with light weak, tastily wax gourd, towel gourd or bamboo shoot soup... etc give priority to.