He pretended not to know the facts.
He pretended not to know the facts.
The candidate tried to run away from controversial issues by pretending to be ill.
这位候选人佯装生病, 以回些争论性的问题。
I thought he was really unhurt but he was faking.
我原以为他真的没有受伤, 不料他只是在佯装没受伤而已。
My husband, he of the declasse jokes and Bud Light, looks as if he’s to the manor born.
Children at a young age produce more enactive metaphors and as they grow older more perceptual metaphors are produced.
A glimpse at the vice-regal residence reveals a certain Byronic romanticism.It is battlemented, with sham turrets, massive chimney-stacks, and a good deal of carved stone.
瞥眼有佯装炮楼的城垛上矗大的烟囱和许多石雕的总督官邸不难看见它所透露的拜伦风格的浪漫主义精神 。